Episode 04

Episode 04

Postby Stephanie Valencia » Thu Jul 03, 2014 9:03:51 pm

Well that was certainly an explosive Tribal Council!

Kim was eliminated, but she certainly didn’t go down quietly. Does anything she said on her way out impact the dynamics of this tribe?

With only five of you left now, there’s little room to hide. If you lose again, what is your plan to ensure your safety?
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Re: Episode 04

Postby Cochran » Fri Jul 04, 2014 9:47:43 am

Stephanie Valencia wrote:Well that was certainly an explosive Tribal Council!

Kim was eliminated, but she certainly didn’t go down quietly. Does anything she said on her way out impact the dynamics of this tribe?

With only five of you left now, there’s little room to hide. If you lose again, what is your plan to ensure your safety?

Yeah, obviously kim went out with a bang and people are gonna start talking. Peter seemed overly upset, and I shouldve stayed on yesterday cuz I'm sure vytas talked to him, and that guy does know what hes doing so.

To be completely honest, I do think we will lose again, we are bad luck bracari after all icon_biggrin but when we do I'm going to first see what vytas wants to do. If we get rid of marissa, then i'll go with that. If not, then i'm going to try and pull together peter and john and target vytas.

I'm thinking that my original plan to target vytas isnt such a good idea if we still have peter around, because if we hit another tribal council with just me, john, vytas, and peter, and me and peter both vote for vytas, why would john go to rocks on a 50/50 chance??

So the plan is to vote off marissa... unless the target is on peter, then its to vote off vytas.

Oh and after kims showing yesterday, vytas definitely has the idol icon_mml
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Re: Episode 04

Postby Cochran » Fri Jul 04, 2014 10:19:21 am

Well vytas lied to me about the idol..

Do you think hed lie to me about this next vote? If he votes out peter without me knowing (he can totally do that) I'm a sitting duck over here....

Man this weekend is going to be pretty fucking crazy icon_chaos
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Re: Episode 04

Postby Ashley Underwood » Fri Jul 04, 2014 11:49:24 am

Cochran wrote:Oh and after kims showing yesterday, vytas definitely has the idol icon_mml

Why are you certain that the idol was found by Kim or Vytas? :)

Also, as of right now is the vote looking to be Marissa or Peter/Vytas? =]
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Re: Episode 04

Postby Cochran » Fri Jul 04, 2014 12:03:35 pm

Ashley Underwood wrote:
Why are you certain that the idol was found by Kim or Vytas? :)

Also, as of right now is the vote looking to be Marissa or Peter/Vytas? =]

Im not certain at all icon_biggrin Just gives me more of a reason to turn on him so!

Not sure as for the vote... I havent talked to vytas yet about it. When I do i'll get back to you icon_biggrin
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Re: Episode 04

Postby Cochran » Sat Jul 05, 2014 8:55:10 am

So it looks like Marissa is going home icon_biggrin

I told vytas she was worried abut us (which she was, so I didn't lie) I do plan to play it up though.

Vytas wrote:marissa threw us under the bus with kim. you against us -> you out.

And it seems to be working? also marissa told kim so she has that going against her. If kim didn't go down in a blaze of glory the way she did, then marissa would be in a much better position IMO.

So thanks Kimmy icon_wub

I am going to start doubting vytas in my messages to marissa to see if shed flip, and I'll tell vytas that I'm trying to make it look like were not close to people so we wont have a huge target on our back.

I think we're gonna lose, we are bad luck bracari after all icon_biggrin and if we keep losing till theres two of us left, right now it looks like its gonna be me and Johnny if I play my cards right icon_mml
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Re: Episode 04

Postby Cochran » Sat Jul 05, 2014 10:08:55 am

Cochran wrote:I think we're gonna lose, we are bad luck bracari after all icon_biggrin and if we keep losing till theres two of us left, right now it looks like its gonna be me and Johnny if I play my cards right icon_mml

I don't think I ever explained this so I will now icon_biggrin

If marissa goes, me and Peter threaten to go to rocks unless johnny flips on vytas. Why would johnny risk his life on a 50/50 shot for vytas, yknow??

then I go with john and vote peter off if we lose again, just to stay in ralphs good graces.

If john doesn't show signs of flipping, I'll talk to vytas about taking out john then, I know he wouldn't go to rocks for him, and he said that we would need to separate john and ralph eventually.

And if that's what happens then me and peter will vote out vytas on the next vote.

So I guess theres a lot I have to wait and see, but best case scenario is marissa goes, then vytas, then peter

Even though I am getting a little ahead of myself icon_biggrin
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Re: Episode 04

Postby Cochran » Sun Jul 06, 2014 7:09:07 am

Maybe being at 5 is the time to make a move. Maybe peter is right icon_chaos

Here's my thought. The votes on Marissa. Vytas and John will vote for her, and marissa will probably vote for peter.

The leaves me and peter to vote for whoever we want, and If I'm right about this, that person automatically goes home.

IF someone can verify this for me, we do another vote after a Tie before rocks like in the actual show right?? Because in the show the people who are voted for cant vote again.

So hypothetically we vote for vytas, and he ties with marissa in a 2-2-1. That means those two cant vote. That leaves me peter and john to vote, and me and peter are the two who voted for vytas in the first place, so he'd get the boot icon_mml I'm honestly pretty fucking excited.
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Re: Episode 04

Postby Stephanie Valencia » Sun Jul 06, 2014 2:26:02 pm

Why are you so adamant on eliminating Vytas? He's your friend you came into the game with. :O Is it a matter of not trusting him, seeing him as a threat? Do you think he wouldn't be loyal to you?

Are you confident at this stage your plan to eliminate him will work, should Bracari lose tonight's challenge?
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Re: Episode 04

Postby Cochran » Sun Jul 06, 2014 2:57:55 pm

Stephanie Valencia wrote:Why are you so adamant on eliminating Vytas? He's your friend you came into the game with. :O Is it a matter of not trusting him, seeing him as a threat? Do you think he wouldn't be loyal to you?

Are you confident at this stage your plan to eliminate him will work, should Bracari lose tonight's challenge?

Vytas is the biggest threat in this game in my opinion, or atleast the biggest one I can see. I was set up with him and I said earlier I know one of us will let the other loose at some point, I want to beat him to the punch.

I guess i've been pushing it a bit. Idk.

And as of now, No. I dont have any control here, my best bet is to hope we win the challenges in order to get me to the swap.

John wrote: I formed an alliance with Vytas and Marissa very early on in this game, and I don't want to kick one of them out.

So he cant vote them off for peter, why would he vote them off for me??

Marissa isnt going home so I'm not going to be able to turn on vytas, unless things change.

I'm extremely upset with how things turned out, I'm hanging by a thread here, I shouldve done something different for the kim vote, anything really
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Re: Episode 04

Postby Cochran » Sun Jul 06, 2014 9:21:37 pm

Ok So now I feel really safe icon_biggrin

I have a good group for challenges here, I may only need to hit tribal one more time before the swap. And thatll be peters boot, because he told the wrong people he was targeting vytas, like an idiot. It all wouldve been fine if he just kept his mouth shut and waited for me icon_biggrin

Yeah I think I'm safe till a swap. Hopefully we'll win tomorrow, then I know i'll be alright icon_mml

But I did two things wrong this episode.

1. Told marissa that I doubted vytas (very subtly, but sitll

and 2. Showed vytas that I have a brain of my own. He wants pawns not players, and I think he knows he cant control me as much as he wants to.

But yeah Its been a good day! No more bad luck bracari icon_excited
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