Episode 03

Moved to Tapoli

Episode 03

Postby Stephanie Valencia » Tue Jul 01, 2014 9:57:48 pm

Losing back to back challenges isn't the perfect start to Stranded to say the least! However there's still a long road ahead of you.

Do you believe this is a sign of things to come for the Bracari tribe, that the Limici tribe will use their experience to dominate over you? Or do you believe you can still turn this around?

What do you make of the rankings in the challenge? Do you feel this will affect your strategy? Was anything revealed that you think could jeopardise your game?
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Re: Episode 03

Postby Rachel » Wed Jul 02, 2014 7:21:00 pm

Honestly losing twice sucks, and now that we're out of fodder the entire tribe is worried about what to do. And the worst part is that now everybody fully expects to lose this challenge to and tbh... I kind of expect to as well. I mean unless this is a swap, which I fucking doubt it is, the odds of us winning this challenge are slim.

However... We can pull this around IF we win, though I don't know our odds of doing so right now. All I know is that I don't wanna lose, because if we do shit's going to get messy.

As far as the ranking challenge is concerned I'm not going to put any mind on it for now. Honestly I was pretty much middle of the road aside from funny and it was only from Laura so idrc about it right now. Besides she isn't in the majority right now so I'm not worried about her tbh.
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Re: Episode 03

Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Jul 02, 2014 7:32:44 pm

So should you lose, who gets the chop?
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Re: Episode 03

Postby Rachel » Wed Jul 02, 2014 7:41:52 pm

Brenda Lowe wrote:So should you lose, who gets the chop?

Honestly I'm pulling for John to go. I'm pretty sure the others have told you this, but right now myself, Marissa, Kim and Iberham have a cross partnership deal where the four of us aren't going to target each other and instead go to the final 5 together. However we want a 5th member in Skinny Ryan, who's Marissa's partner. So the best idea would be to get rid of his partner John and keep him from wanting that Talisman
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