Episode 01

Moved to Limici

Re: Episode 01

Postby Katie » Sun Jun 29, 2014 7:44:20 am

Ugh - reading my PMs wouldn't have helped with that one anyway as I honestly didn't have a clue what the heck it was about. I was worried Rachel was throwing shade at me or something but it turns out she just went to Vytas with the idea of forming a majority and wanted he and I to be in it. Vytas must of assumed that, since we've been the only two who we know of who have shown any real interest in the game portion of this whole deal that I must have been behind Rachel's sudden emergence from the shadows somehow but nope, this was all her so gj her.

Of course we'll go with it and keep ourselves safe. Vytas is immediately worried about us being low in the pecking order because Rachel had approached a number of other people (Hayden, Marissa) before him but I'm not too worried about that. There are plenty enough people still outside the alliance to vote out even if we lose every challenge between now and the merge and making the merge intact is the most important thing so I don't mind giving up a little bit of control here early in exchange for an almost guaranteed path to the merge.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Ashley Underwood » Sun Jun 29, 2014 9:11:03 am

Can you elaborate on what the path to merge is? What would be the ideal boot order if you were to lose multiple challenges?

P.S. can you tell me more about your relationship with Vytas? Is he your number one ally? =]
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Sophie P Clarke » Mon Jun 30, 2014 12:45:50 pm

Start writing more confessionals. If you don't want us to read PMs, tell us what the hell you are up to :D
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Katie » Mon Jun 30, 2014 1:29:40 pm

Holy crap - OK. I fell asleep after going for a walk to get some fresh air once I finished off my blog for AusStranded. The plan was to do this while I watched the Money in the Bank PPV but I didn't even make it through the first match before nodding off and then snapping awake literally a few minutes ago to realise it is quarter to 4 in the gosh darned morning and I have left the stunning Ashley sitting there waiting for an answer to her questions and I simply MUST get this done before the morning as there will probably not be time between then and tribal starting.

So - I can definitely elaborate on my path to the the merge from here - it's not the most exciting run if things go according to plan but currently Rachel has been hard at work locking up a majority alliance of 6. That six is made up of the following individuals:


Leaving the following four on the fringes for now:

Now, there is no reason not to just put my head down and keep tight with the plan under the presumption that we go to the merge with no swaps, shuffles or whatnots. However, there is also absolutely no reason to suddenly freeze out the other four and stop communicating with them or making them feel safe - in particular John and Laura, but especially John, who I've grown fond of due to his bashful naivety. So, this morning I plan on just dropping both Laura and John a note to see where there head is at and whether they would be happy to put Ciera's name down at Tribal. This is just your typical first boot due to lack of commitment rather than anything personal or even remotely strategic. I just get the impression that Ciera isn't that enthusiastic about being here and I hate whoever got assigned her rep for making me boot her first because that's just legitimately shit dude or dudette. Ciera is a rep you have to try really hard to tank so gj you.

So, if all things go according to plan I guess it is Ciera tonight. That would put Culpepper in the firing line next before things get tricky at 8. If, at 8, Bracari are forced to visit TC again with our current personnel, I would need to make a decision then about whether Laura and John are better to take to the merge than Marissa and Rachel. Rachel would probably be a much bigger merge target as would Marissa, which would allow me to kind of sit behind them until they are turfed but, depending on the numbers, it might be smarter to take two players who are more likely to be loyal and provide numbers in case some of Limici continue being fractured right up till the merge and want to flip and work with us. We won't have much to offer whoever wants to flip if some of our numbers just negate the move by counter-flipping so having Cochran and Coby continue to tell me what is going on over on the favorites tribe is incredibly important. From the intel I am getting from Coby there is already a split pretty much down the middle of their tribe, which does NOT surprise me in a tribe of open ID returnees so it could be a precarious path to the merge for Coby and Cochran unless they play their cards very well.

In any case, I feel pretty good about my spot at the moment as, along with the alliance of 6, I feel very close to both Vytas and Hayden. Vytas and I established a good friendship pretty much within minutes of me arriving at Bracari and he has, so far, made this experience so much more enjoyable as he has been entertaining as well as willing to talk game without getting too deep or paranoid about anything. I appreciate his attitude as he is not afraid to put himself out there a bit more than most and, granted, if I plan to stick with him as far as you can possibly go in this game I am going to have to make sure I do things in this game that differentiate myself from him, make my own moves and not become his sidekick in the eyes of the others, I see definite long-term potential in Vytas as an ally the way things are going now.

It look like Hayden is starting to open up more and more as well to me which is promising. He came to me today for the first time with game talk and I let him know that we would never be on my radar as I need him to get to the merge as he is partnered with Coby so hopefully he keeps that between us and doesn't sell out his sweet little blonde friend who trusted him with a secret *bats eyelashes*.

Rachel and I get along well socially too despite only having had limited interactions. She's done all the work so I don't have to but she hasn't done enough work socially for this alliance of six to be anything more than an alliance of convenience. Even now, still, I'm certainly not hearing from her despite this being her alliance, should she not be checking in with me now and reassuring me and asking for my input on the vote and making sure I feel comfortable and safe? She's taking the lazy route on this whole alliance and she's still going to reap the benefits but only because she was smart enough to make sure Vytas and I were included in all honesty.

I haven't done one of these yet so I will rank the Bracari tribe in terms of who i like/trust most to least:

1. Vytas
2. Hayden
3. John Cody
4. Shawn
5. Laura
6- Rachel
7. Marissa
8. Culpepper
9. Ciera
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Katie » Mon Jun 30, 2014 1:30:49 pm

Sophie P Clarke wrote:Start writing more confessionals. If you don't want us to read PMs, tell us what the hell you are up to :D

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Re: Episode 01

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Jun 30, 2014 1:41:05 pm

I'll allow the three way PM between you Vytas and Cochran btw.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Katie » Mon Jun 30, 2014 1:57:26 pm

Oh wow! I'd all but given up on that - thanks Jeff!
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Ashley Underwood » Mon Jun 30, 2014 2:22:59 pm

Such a good one Katie. Thank you. =]

Re: Jeff
Please keep me updated on how this PM goes - as you know I do not read them myself, so I need you to keep me up to date. x
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Katie » Mon Jun 30, 2014 7:57:21 pm

LOL, it got off to a shambolic start as I had to train Vytas to use the "Reply all" button. Typical, right? ALOL at that gif too Ashley, you're totally speaking my language there girl! ;)

I've spent the last hour locking down the Ciera vote and making sure people like Laura and John get a chance to actually give me their feedback on the vote to make sure it is something everyone actually wants to do rather than something that needs to be pushed. Dr Cody expressed a desire to see Culpepper go early so I was able to use that to provide him further assurance down the line by telling him that vote is in our backpocket should we end up in this situation again any time soon. The more comfortable everyone feels the less likely anyone is to go doing anything crazy.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Katie » Mon Jun 30, 2014 8:18:40 pm

What the hell?

I just want to stash this quote for later:

Rachel wrote:
Jeff Probst wrote:Hayden, was there any blame placed on those who did show up to compete in the challenge vs. those who havent? Will taht lead to other people not stepping up out of fear in the future?

Jeff I'm going to step in here and answer this one as well.

I'll be totally honest here, right after the challenge I did blame Hayden for our loss last night in a fit of rage. I was angry at the situation as a whole and I took it out on a guy who didn't deserve it, and I know I said this already in PMs, but in sorry Hayden.

Now as far as people who didn't show up well... They didn't show up. I think that says a lot
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Ashley Underwood » Tue Jul 01, 2014 5:53:57 am

what does the "wth" reaction mean? :)
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