Episode 01

Episode 01

Postby Stephanie Valencia » Thu Jun 26, 2014 2:35:43 pm

Hello, I'm Stephanie Valencia! The winner of Stranded in Namibia!

Welcome to Stranded in Portugal!

You'll be seeing a lot of me here, but you'll also see some of the other hosts, Jeff, Sophie, Ashley, Frank, Brenda, Mia, Sarah and Holly around as well! My main focus here will be on the Bracari Tribe, so talk to me! Most of us hosts are all-stars of the series who have been through it all, so if you have any questions about how the game is played, feel free to PM us and we'll do our best to answer - that's why we are here. Other than that, our duties will basically be to interview you in your confessional here, trying to get into your head and get some insight as to why you may be making certain moves. We will also be handling challenges, tribal council, and tribal council questioning.

Each round, we'll start by asking some introductory questions, and I just want to ask that you answer in complete statements. Oftentimes, we'll turn the seasons into fanfics using these stories, and we will be actively blogging on each episode, and it's easier to do so if we have real quotes and complete thoughts as opposed to simple yes or no answers. We hope you keep up with your confessionals daily during the week as a way to vent and discuss the events of that day. Just try your best to give us insight into what you're thinking or planning as the game progresses, and right now, as we're about to embark. You'll appreciate being able to go back after the show and really see where your head was at certain points in the game, and so will your fellow cast mates!

So here we go......

How confident are you going into this game that you will win?

What are your opinions of your fellow tribemates?

What is your strategy and approach to the game?

How do you feel the rep of Marissa fits you? Will you adjust your game to fit the rep, or just play as you would regardless?

What are your thoughts on the partners twist? Are you disappointed you're not partnered with your friend you came into the game with? Do you plan on working with your friend should you end up on the same tribe?

Do you feel the returning players could have an advantage over you given they've been through this all before?

Good luck! As the winner of last season, I can promise you that you'll want to give this game everything you have. Anything less won't get the job done. This is my winner's advice. I only get to hand over my crown to one of you! There's nineteen other players who are determined to beat you to it. So play your hardest, and make sure you don't walk out of this game with regrets. In four weeks time, you may just be crowned as the winner of Stranded in Portugal!
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Marissa » Thu Jun 26, 2014 7:47:04 pm

Hey gurl hey. Damon you be looking bomb tonight. How am I suppose to compete wit dat. Ill be answering these questions a little later I just wanted to give you a shout out.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Brenda Lowe » Thu Jun 26, 2014 10:25:40 pm

Hey hun, don't think I've had the pleasure yet of seeing you in a game. But good luck here! Lots of updates will keep us all rooting hard for you!
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Stephanie Valencia » Thu Jun 26, 2014 10:33:26 pm

Hola! It's your boy Enrique here. :D

Really excited to see you in this! You were a legend in Music Wars and I'm sure you can bring it here too. icon_smile
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Marissa » Fri Jun 27, 2014 2:01:36 am

Thanks Brenda the updates will be flowing like Aunt Flow...its going to get a little bloody up in this bitch. Fuck yo feelings. Well fuck everyone but the hosts and lurkers really. Y'all can hang out with me.

Enrique, Mon amigo. I hope I can make you proud. Im here to win this bitch. Your too kind no i was legendary. Ill take comical hero though. <3
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Frank the Tank » Fri Jun 27, 2014 9:36:06 am

So much fire already! Damn!

This is albert btw so be sure I'll be watching your confessionals closely. :)
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Marissa » Fri Jun 27, 2014 10:13:55 am

I ain't here to be no one's side bitch in this game. I'm here to play man.

Hey Albert, well I hope you stay and enjoy my delusions rants and verbal spankings of my fellow tribe mates. #longhairdontcare
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Marissa » Fri Jun 27, 2014 3:29:01 pm

How confident are you going into this game that you will win?
Oh babby I'm here to win. I got friends

What are your opinions of your fellow tribemates?
Alot of them have the personality of drywall. I swear I would be far better off talking to the wild life in Portugal then some of these people. For the limited conversation I've had Ciera seems like the coolest of this bunch. This chick is someone I want to align with. She's waaay more fierce then anyone else who right now are "Niice" but completely boring. I started an alliance with Vytas. I don't know how legit this thing is but I do talk to him the most although our conversations are very short. i think I'm probabbly going to end up regretting this. Laura is pretty awesome. She tried to talk all street to me. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen. She's def going to be someone I want to work with because atleast she has a sense of humor. She cool although we haven't talked game. Hayden's cute but really lacks depth and personality, Rachel seems like someone who will be cool I just have to talk to her more, Katie is pretty cute too although generic I think it might be in my best interest to get something going with her, Ciera and Katie...and possibly Rachel but bitch has barely said anything past one pm. They are certainly better then some of these guys though. Shawn is alright I guess...has way more depth then Hayden, John and Brad. Vytas was hinting for us to work with him and i'm not against the idea BUT I do think they are two that would suction cup each other. John is a funny one cause he's Ryan's partner. So I want to look out for him...but honest to god he is like PAINFUL to talk to. I can't with him. It's just terrible. Brad is useless....FUCK HIM.

What is your strategy and approach to the game?
Well first off do not allign myself with the whole tribe. I've made that mistake in the past but still keep up a good reptoire so that people trust me. In the past I've been very dominate in trying to establish alliances I'm trying to see who will come to me. This game is going to get NAAASSTY with the partners so I need to make sure that I don't piss off by giving my word to people I don't intend on keeping it right away. Although I plan on being that bitch later down the line. I need to gain trust first.

How do you feel the rep of Marissa fits you? Will you adjust your game to fit the rep, or just play as you would regardless?
Aww I fucking love it. It allows me to bring out that completely EXTRA side of me. i don't think we really got to see how great Marissa could have been in survivor so I plan on bringing that here in this game. She was actually my favorite person pre-game. Oh I'm going to be me, if not a little more vocal then I have been in the past. I'm here to play ladies and gents.

What are your thoughts on the partners twist? Are you disappointed you're not partnered with your friend you came into the game with? Do you plan on working with your friend should you end up on the same tribe?
I actually like the fact I'm not partnered with Ryan. It allows me to work in a more stealthy way with him. I'm going to try to stay close to Ryan in this game. I don't know if he feels the same but I do genuinely think he plays a great game. I do know that I'll have to cut his throat sooner or later but right now I plan on staying the most loyal to him. I've never really gotten the chance to play with my partner though so this is another interesting thing. I'm trying to atleast establish some sort of repertoire with him. I'm going to see if we can form some sort of cross-tribal alliance. I def plan on working with Ryan for a long while in this game but it all depends on how much of a threat he is to weither I want to cut his throat and the position I'm in in the game. I feel like the returning players have an instant jury plea of having the target on their back since they are open ided in a closed id game. But even with that being said my only plan on how i want to play this game or who i'm going further with is to have complete flexibility.

Do you feel the returning players could have an advantage over you given they've been through this all before?
I do. Because they have experience with the form and twists that have come before. I'm not the most seasoned ORG player so I'm in a bit of a disadvantage but those that have seen me play KNOW i'm someone to play hard no matter what the situation is. So I plan on doing that.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Marissa » Fri Jun 27, 2014 3:38:42 pm

So the more I'm thinking about it. The better for my game it would be to get John out of here. I know I originally said I wanted a cross tribal alliances but if I can get rid of him without it looking like I'm trying to get rid of him THEN possibly Skinny Ryan will have a little more stock on me in this game instead of dividing it between the two of us.

Also random note ya'll. I've actually been to Portugal so this is kinda cool for me to be playing in this.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Brenda Lowe » Sat Jun 28, 2014 2:10:13 pm

Rank me some tribemates based on closeness to you. Maybe a line or two on each. Also what word on any initial alliance plans here?
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Marissa » Sun Jun 29, 2014 12:05:39 pm

So first off an alliance is brewing Rachel and Hayden are putting something together with Myself. Vytas and Katie. Not against the idea although Rachel has barely talked to me, nor has Katie. I don't really trust Rachel because I know she has ulterior motives since I'm partnered with her friend but whatever keeps this bitch safe for the week and doesn't put a target on my back I'll do.

Now in all honesty my homegirl is Ciera. That chick is soo bad ass and cool. i absolutely love her to bits. She is the coolest chick on this cast. I told her we should be secret allies for now but later put something together. She is the best one to talk to out of the group by far. I love Laura and Shawn to. In all honesty I'd prefer an alliance with them but that's something I'm going to have to wait to form.

My alliances/trust I guess would be...

1. Ciera
2. Vytas
3. Shawn
4. Hayden
5. Laura
6. Rachel
7. Katie
8. John
9. Brad

Brads fucking useless. john gives the worst pms I've ever seen in my life. Katie barely says shit to me and Rachels got some motives that don't involve me behind those eyes. So those are the four I'm currently eyeing in this game. If i can figure out away I will get Rachel and John out of this game. I need to talk to Katie and Hayden more.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Jeff Probst » Sun Jun 29, 2014 11:44:48 pm

Are you going to let Ciera in on the fact that she is in trouble?
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Marissa » Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:06:35 am

Already non it Jeff. And I'm starting to think I like Shawn way more then Vytas. Vytas's responses absolutely fucking suck.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Ashley Underwood » Mon Jun 30, 2014 12:57:43 pm

Marissa wrote:Already non it Jeff. And I'm starting to think I like Shawn way more then Vytas. Vytas's responses absolutely fucking suck.

I don't read the PMs, care to share? icon_yes
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Marissa » Mon Jun 30, 2014 5:17:19 pm

Vytas gives short responses that barely say anything. We had decent conversations day 10 but now they kinda suck.

Rachel doesn't message me often but messages me really well when she does. Very well thought out and makes me feel secure in our relationship.

Hayden a little bitch. He is flipping out to vytas because im suggesting its be better to keep ciera. Im sorry are you feeling emasculated because im not just blindly following your orders despite the fact tou barely converse with me. Go fuck yourself Hayden
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