Episode 01

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Episode 01

Postby Stephanie Valencia » Thu Jun 26, 2014 2:37:02 pm

Hello, I'm Stephanie Valencia! The winner of Stranded in Namibia!

Welcome to Stranded in Portugal!

You'll be seeing a lot of me here, but you'll also see some of the other hosts, Jeff, Sophie, Ashley, Frank, Brenda, Mia, Sarah and Holly around as well! My main focus here will be on the Bracari Tribe, so talk to me! Most of us hosts are all-stars of the series who have been through it all, so if you have any questions about how the game is played, feel free to PM us and we'll do our best to answer - that's why we are here. Other than that, our duties will basically be to interview you in your confessional here, trying to get into your head and get some insight as to why you may be making certain moves. We will also be handling challenges, tribal council, and tribal council questioning.

Each round, we'll start by asking some introductory questions, and I just want to ask that you answer in complete statements. Oftentimes, we'll turn the seasons into fanfics using these stories, and we will be actively blogging on each episode, and it's easier to do so if we have real quotes and complete thoughts as opposed to simple yes or no answers. We hope you keep up with your confessionals daily during the week as a way to vent and discuss the events of that day. Just try your best to give us insight into what you're thinking or planning as the game progresses, and right now, as we're about to embark. You'll appreciate being able to go back after the show and really see where your head was at certain points in the game, and so will your fellow cast mates!

So here we go......

How confident are you going into this game that you will win?

What are your opinions of your fellow tribemates?

What is your strategy and approach to the game?

How do you feel the rep of Shawn fits you? Will you adjust your game to fit the rep, or just play as you would regardless?

What are your thoughts on the partners twist? Are you disappointed you're not partnered with your friend you came into the game with? Do you plan on working with your friend should you end up on the same tribe?

Do you feel the returning players could have an advantage over you given they've been through this all before?

Good luck! As the winner of last season, I can promise you that you'll want to give this game everything you have. Anything less won't get the job done. This is my winner's advice. I only get to hand over my crown to one of you! There's nineteen other players who are determined to beat you to it. So play your hardest, and make sure you don't walk out of this game with regrets. In four weeks time, you may just be crowned as the winner of Stranded in Portugal!
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Brenda Lowe » Thu Jun 26, 2014 10:18:33 pm

Hey Shawn! Lots of posts in here will keep the hosts coming back for more.

Did you get sorted with the confusion over in main? You should only be PMing your secret partner (i.e. Caryn) and your not-so-secret partner (i.e. Ralph) over there. Everyone from this tribe, you can PM here at his board, but not at main. Make sense?

Good luck of course, that goes without saying.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Shawn » Thu Jun 26, 2014 11:21:47 pm

Oh shit! I forgot about posting some random shit here!

Well so far, I talked with Hayden, Brad, and Vytas. Trying to make sure I don't get screwed over for being the outsider in this tribe as the only non-BvW player here. Laura's mad that I replaced Caleb. wtf?! icon_censored I know I played with her husband and yes I think I did cause some shit and I'm sure she wants me dead......not literally but her glares when she PMed me was kind of creepy.


The first thing I did was PM Ralph (my partner) on help with the board since I thought I was in the tribe format when I arrived and I was confused as shit. Well luckily, he seems like a nice fellow and still yet to talk with my official partner who brought me into this game. Too hungry to speak more and I'm never mixing Taco Bell with Mountain Dew
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Shawn » Fri Jun 27, 2014 1:55:42 am

Well everyone left so basically I'm going to try and plan who to ally next.....actually I just need to PM everyone and pretend I care for most of them. Not that I hate everyone here, but I need to keep my own ass in this game. I'm already a huge easy target seeing how I'm like the fish out of water and I know some idiots will have the STUPIDEST reason to vote someone off. That happened to me several times, so I'm keeping an eye out for them. All I know is I have Caryn to back me up with some big info and hopefully have Ralph help me out. I know they're on the other team, but hey they're more experienced and I need some big info regarding how each Veteran did. Need everything I have to prepare against them once I end up on their team for some reason.

I'm also thinking there might be a RI, but I'm judging THAT with a grain of sand. icon_laughing

Question is which people should I actually care about and who I should BS my kindness/normalcy. This new forum is sooner or later going to give me a massive headache.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Brenda Lowe » Sat Jun 28, 2014 1:32:42 pm

Shawn wrote:Question is which people should I actually care about and who I should BS my kindness/normalcy.

Any update on this? Who are you feeling closest with after first impressions have been made? Any alliance talk, or first boot talk?
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Shawn » Sat Jun 28, 2014 11:23:15 pm

Sorry for the lack of updates, just came back from a wedding in a winery place (aka lots of wine and drunk people).

Hoenstly the people I care about the most is probably Vytas, Marissa, Katie, and maybe Laura (her paranoia that I'm Caleb's Grim Reaper is total lol for me)

Brad hasn't responded in the last 2 days so I'll probably just say fuck him and vote him out along with Rachel is she doesn't start PMing me. John's okay. He's the typical shy guy and trying to overcome it. Hayden, eh....? Where the fuck is Ciera? I'll just PM her and it sucks ass, I'll personally try to pick her off after the Inactives.

That's just my first thoughts on them. Now I'm just trying to prove to the others that I'm well prepared for the challenges for tomororw. I already did the puzzle and I easily solved both of them in a really short amount of time. I'll just post them later. ^_^

My alliance is pretty much solid with Vytas. Question is who to bring up as my other allies since I don't trust the others yet. More updates later. Kind of a bit tired, but that won't mean I'm going to sleep.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Shawn » Sun Jun 29, 2014 12:10:02 am

I'm really wondering that if I'm the only true vet in this group of fans because from what I'm seeing, some of them are still struggling with IMG tags. They said they played like 1-3 ORGs compared to like 25 ORGs I've been in so far.

It's still weird playing with a bunch of true ORG rookies here. I don't know if that's going to help me out as they can easily follow the leader, or will they be stupid enough to lose challenges and cause a lot of problems for me......
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Shawn » Sun Jun 29, 2014 12:38:03 am

Okay Vytas is slowly starting to become some bastard if what he's saying about me being a first target for no good reason. If it's because I ended up replacing Caleb, well I'll have no problem voting his sorry ass out of this game.

Then again Caryn might be lying to me despite being partners or Vytas is only saying that to troll the living hell out of the Favorites. I have no clue who's telling the truth to me, but this is NOT what I wanted to see when I get back from a relaxing wedding <_<
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Shawn » Sun Jun 29, 2014 12:54:16 am

I'm like reading the comments on ORGy and apparently a lot of people are shitting on Caryn. Am I missing anything because I know jack shit about this series and I'm betting that Caryn's a total trainwreck that lies a lot or is so guilable...right? I'm just making assumptions.

But seriously I'm really testing waters if what Caryn saying is true or it's only because Vytas wants to humiliate the Favorites and is just doing everything he can to troll them. But still, I'm just trying to focus on making sure my team doesn't suck in challenges. That's the main thing I'm worried about... icon_horror

And this is the part where I act all paranoid and shit. brb icon_scared icon_scared icon_scared icon_scared icon_wall
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Shawn » Sun Jun 29, 2014 2:26:16 am

Okay now I'm starting to get concerned. I know post counts is pretty stupid to determine a player, but seeing how Vytas told me that he never PMed Caryn anything while Caryn said that he's planning to target me. I'm so freaked out like shit right now. I have to be very careful around Vytas. I'm going to talk to Marissa and Katie and see what their thoughts on this game is going and if what everything going on is true, I expect some hell going on from me.

Something doesn't feel right to me at all.....I can just feel it. or I'm just being trolled the entire time. Just doesn't help that Katie/Marissa are already asleep so there's not much I can do until they respond back to me. Man this ain't my day at all......
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Frank the Tank » Sun Jun 29, 2014 5:58:30 am

Oh my. So are you actually in danger or were you worried about nothing?

Rooting for ya btw! icon_smile
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Shawn » Sun Jun 29, 2014 1:37:38 pm

I have no fucking clue if I'm safe or not.

On one hand, lots of Inactives, on the other hand some of these players are noobs and batshit insane. I have no clue to to trust, I'm even giving my original partner some trouble on trust. Idk if Caryn's a trainwreck liar or not because her PM she sent me is the sole reason I'm in this paranoia mess. <_<
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Shawn » Sun Jun 29, 2014 5:29:24 pm

Okay Rachel proposed an alliance featuring me, Marissa, Hayden, Vytas, Katie, and Rachel. I'm all in for that since I'm very close to most of the players there and I believe Vytas mentioned talking to Hayden and I'm pretty sure those 2 are tight so I might have to start with having a trio between me, Katie, and Marissa. Trying to have many paths for me since I know one path will just lead to a death pit. lol
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Shawn » Sun Jun 29, 2014 7:30:36 pm

My god, that discussion was a mess. I have a bad feeling this challenge won't end well for us.......Ugh.....at least I just have to post the puzzle. I've done that before. So I think I have more experience than some of the people here on my tribe which is shocking..... ngl.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Shawn » Sun Jun 29, 2014 8:31:13 pm

Called it! Not a great start for my team. These next few days will be completely stressful because I know I'm expecting a huge blindside for this guy here and I need to make sure I get as close to everyone as I can especially for people like Marissa, Katie, and maybe Hayden/Rachel. I've yet to get PM responses from a lot of people since the challenge so either they're sleeping or they already have their strategy vote locked up. I'm pretty worried right now, so I'm going to keep an eye out of everyone.

So far the main target is Brad and Ciera, but since TC isn't today but tomorrow, now I'm just praying that everyone's on board for booting either of those 2 as of now. I'm sure Brad/Ciera might be good in challenges but if they can't PM properly, why bother teaming up with them if they can't even be social? I know I'm contradicting myself sometimes, but at least I'm able to respond to PMs with some very good paragraphs that they can respond to.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Shawn » Sun Jun 29, 2014 8:36:06 pm

Question! I'm confused about the PM Inbox, outbox, and sent messages.

What's the difference between outbox and sent messages anyway? Does that mean my message didn't get sent through with Katie/Ciera yet?
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Jeff Probst » Sun Jun 29, 2014 8:40:57 pm

Shawn wrote:Question! I'm confused about the PM Inbox, outbox, and sent messages.

What's the difference between outbox and sent messages anyway? Does that mean my message didn't get sent through with Katie/Ciera yet?

outbox means they havent been read yet i think.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Brenda Lowe » Mon Jun 30, 2014 1:29:50 pm

Yup, exactly what Jeff said. When you send a PM they will linger in your outbox until the other person reads it. At that point it'll move to your 'sent messages' folder, so you can tell who's read a PM and ignored you, compared to who just never opened your PM.

Do check out the how-to guides in main. Some board related things in there that even 25-games people can pick up a few things from. Like, how to do group PMs, or how the PMs you have replied to get a little bar beside them like so;

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Re: Episode 01

Postby Brenda Lowe » Mon Jun 30, 2014 1:32:08 pm

Anywho questions about this boot. Have you any preference between Brad & Ciera? Think you have the votes there to boot either one or any problems on the horizon?

Also I see that six, and I see those two up for the chop - but what about John & Laura? What are your thoughts on those two?
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Shawn » Mon Jun 30, 2014 4:19:21 pm

Everyone's mixed between Brad and Ciera. Both are just the WORST when it comes to PMs. Ciera's gives out decent PMs but never responds back and I already saw that she read my message already. I gave Brad 3 PMs and never responded while also giving out 1-2 sentences and even words. It's pissing me off to no end. No wonder I'm on a bunch of fan tribes seeing how disorganized they were in the first challenge.

I know everyone that I've talked to have decided between Brad and Ciera, but I'm making sure that happens and no blindside. Also about John and Laura, me and Marissa have made some sort of plan to team up with John/Laura in case of emergency. Gives us a really good cushion in case there's some kind of conflict between my original alliance.
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