Episode 01

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Episode 01

Postby Stephanie Valencia » Thu Jun 26, 2014 2:34:49 pm

Hello, I'm Stephanie Valencia! The winner of Stranded in Namibia!

Welcome to Stranded in Portugal!

You'll be seeing a lot of me here, but you'll also see some of the other hosts, Jeff, Sophie, Ashley, Frank, Brenda, Mia, Sarah and Holly around as well! My main focus here will be on the Bracari Tribe, so talk to me! Most of us hosts are all-stars of the series who have been through it all, so if you have any questions about how the game is played, feel free to PM us and we'll do our best to answer - that's why we are here. Other than that, our duties will basically be to interview you in your confessional here, trying to get into your head and get some insight as to why you may be making certain moves. We will also be handling challenges, tribal council, and tribal council questioning.

Each round, we'll start by asking some introductory questions, and I just want to ask that you answer in complete statements. Oftentimes, we'll turn the seasons into fanfics using these stories, and we will be actively blogging on each episode, and it's easier to do so if we have real quotes and complete thoughts as opposed to simple yes or no answers. We hope you keep up with your confessionals daily during the week as a way to vent and discuss the events of that day. Just try your best to give us insight into what you're thinking or planning as the game progresses, and right now, as we're about to embark. You'll appreciate being able to go back after the show and really see where your head was at certain points in the game, and so will your fellow cast mates!

So here we go......

How confident are you going into this game that you will win?

What are your opinions of your fellow tribemates?

What is your strategy and approach to the game?

How do you feel the rep of Katie fits you? Will you adjust your game to fit the rep, or just play as you would regardless?

What are your thoughts on the partners twist? Are you disappointed you're not partnered with your friend you came into the game with? Do you plan on working with your friend should you end up on the same tribe?

Do you feel the returning players could have an advantage over you given they've been through this all before?

Good luck! As the winner of last season, I can promise you that you'll want to give this game everything you have. Anything less won't get the job done. This is my winner's advice. I only get to hand over my crown to one of you! There's nineteen other players who are determined to beat you to it. So play your hardest, and make sure you don't walk out of this game with regrets. In four weeks time, you may just be crowned as the winner of Stranded in Portugal!
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Mia Galeotalanza » Thu Jun 26, 2014 7:22:04 pm

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Re: Episode 01

Postby Ashley Underwood » Thu Jun 26, 2014 7:44:01 pm

Goddess <3
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Brenda Lowe » Thu Jun 26, 2014 10:07:12 pm

Post of praise £>

But seriously, good luck girl, I've been looking forward to seeing you inside an org. Kill those challenges! icon_chaos
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Katie » Thu Jun 26, 2014 10:22:05 pm

Hi ladies! I'm thrilled to be here and amazed at how beautiful this place is - simply stunning! I'll be back a little later this evening to get down to business and give you guys the goss but I just wanted to say a quick hey heeeey and Ashley look at you girl! Glam diva goddess! <3 Steph you are serving me skatepark/tomboy realness and Mia..... Hi Mia!
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Brenda Lowe » Thu Jun 26, 2014 10:24:04 pm

Wow. icon_uhoh

I will just go lay on the bottom shelf of the fridge with the rest of the chopped liver.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Stephanie Valencia » Thu Jun 26, 2014 11:38:08 pm

Katie! <3 Good luck. icon_smile

Do get around to those questions when you can. I know you're capable of writing some juicy confessionals. :P
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Katie » Fri Jun 27, 2014 12:17:59 am

Oh no! Brenda! I swear you must have snuck that post in while I was typing all Stealth-R-Us style! I would never fob off Serenity like that girl! Ugh, look at you though all flawless skin and glossy hair and perfect teeth.... Seriously, what a divine deity. Thanks for the post of praise, I hope I can do you ladies proud!

Now, let's get down to answering those questions, yeah Steph?

How confident are you going into this game that you will win?

I'll be honest, in the lead-up to today I was starting to get some major doubt issues creeping in on me. But now that I've actually started and am getting to meet my tribemates I am feeling a lot more confident about things. I can't even say why particularly, I just feel like things are gelling at the moment and that I'm off to a great start for me considering I usually find these first few days the most gruelling mentally since you're doing almost nothing other than making pleasant small-talk and sizing up all the people on your tribe - trying to determine who you think you can trust and who you might want to keep at arm's length.

What are your opinions of your fellow tribemates?

OK, I've spoken to everyone except Marissa and Ciera so far and it really seems like a very sweet group with some obviously varying degrees of experience in the game. Vytas has taken quite the liking to Katie and I'm still trying to figure out if he is being genuine and might want to work together or if he is trying to string me along so that I will do what he says and be a bit of a puppet. As nice as it is to have someone flirting with you (if not a little bit creepy at times though), I'll be certainly keeping my eyes and ears open in regards to Vytas and will make sure that he is worthy of trust before I jump into anything head-first.

John Cody and Brad Culpepper both seem incredibly green and a little naive. I've made sure to let them know if they need anything at all or have any questions whatsoever that they can come to Katie and hopefully they feel comfortable enough to actually reach out to me as I'd most certainly look after them and make sure they feel comfortable and safe as it can only help me to be seen as friendly, helpful, central figure in their eyes.

Laura is a hard one to read. Her first post being Caleb-related made me think she was going to be a spectacular trainwreck.. I mean, honestly? I was so concerned that people wouldn't just leave that outside the game and was a little annoyed that in the first post on the tribe board it was brought up. However, from speaking to Laura a little after that she actually slightly turned my opinion on her around and I think she definitely has her head on her shoulders somewhat which makes me less likely to just want to write her off as I was intent on doing after seeing that post.

Hayden is my friend Coby's partner and that makes me exciting to work with him as he and I just seemed to click really well right off the bat. I was contemplating telling him that he is partnered with my friend but might actually hold those cards close to my chest for a little while longer in order to see if my partner, Cochran and I, can figure out a strategy that we want to run with as I don't want to have limited our options because I've already spilled the beans on my end.

What is your strategy and approach to the game?

I can't rely on challenge strength so it's very important I integrate into the social core of the tribe to avoid being picked off for challenge weakness pre-merge. I think that I came up with a pretty solid way to play the partner's twist with my partner Cochran but that is all dependant on us trusting one another enough to divulge the identity of our respective friends in the game.

How do you feel the rep of Katie fits you? Will you adjust your game to fit the rep, or just play as you would regardless?

I'll be completely honest. When I saw the Katie avatar in my inbox I was thoroughly disappointed. She is actually nothing like me and her style of play in BvW doesn't line up with the way I prefer to play at all. Never mind that I also didn't want to play a female rep and that seeing Katie meant we were obviously using BvW reps and that meant someone else was getting my ultimate rep choice in Hayden which lead to me spending a good half hour or so sulking and pouting and hating life. The more I thought about Katie as a rep the more I realised that she represented an opportunity for me to pull myself out of my comfort zone and use her to play a different style of game. I think Katie is going to inform how I play this game for sure, not to the extent that it could be considered a schtick but I am definitely hoping to incorporate a few of Katie's more well-known traits, the sweetness, shyness and friendliness, into my social game while trying to also maintain a strong strategic element so that I don't get too soft.

What are your thoughts on the partners twist? Are you disappointed you're not partnered with your friend you came into the game with? Do you plan on working with your friend should you end up on the same tribe?

Well, considering my friend was the very first person I PMed in the game and I have yet to receive a reply I am going to go ahead and say no, I am not disappointed to have not been paired up with Coby and I certainly hope this isn't an indication that he actually couldn't care less about me being in the game now that things have gotten underway. The partners twist is certainly interesting in that we've got to not only consider our friend and our partner, but our friend's partner and our friend's partner's friend. icon_wacko I proposed to Cochran that we should quickly divulge the identity of our friend to one another so that we could form a three-person alliance with them and our friend's partner on our own tribe. There are a lot of moving parts though and it could get really messy, really quickly. The twist could lead to individuals being targeted in order to weaken their partner and that worries me. I like that I am teamed with Cochran though as he and I seem to have hit it off really well.

Do you feel the returning players could have an advantage over you given they've been through this all before?

Not especially. This is far from my first rodeo. But we do seem to have a fairly inexperienced tribe which could be slightly problematic in terms of challenge strength.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Ashley Underwood » Fri Jun 27, 2014 4:36:43 am

Keep those compliments coming, girl <3 I am a ~Glam~ Goddess up in here <3 You will make Katie a Goddess as well and join the ranks of myself, Sophie & Julie as Ultimate Grand Supremes <3
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Katie » Fri Jun 27, 2014 7:30:16 am


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Re: Episode 01

Postby Brenda Lowe » Fri Jun 27, 2014 7:48:28 am


Sweet, cute, friendly, open and a little bit doofy? What's not to like?

Besides, you can't continue the all-female winning streak if you repped as a guy.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Ashley Underwood » Fri Jun 27, 2014 1:06:09 pm

Brenda has a great point. Last season every rep to achieve deity status was female.


Now that you've slept on it, and had some time to get to know your new tribe, partner (and loved one), want to fill me in on the following:

1. Do you have any favourites so far? People that you get on with famously, or feel comfortable enough to vote with if Bracari loses the first challenge?
2. Who's sitting at the bottom of Bracari, according to Katie?
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Katie » Fri Jun 27, 2014 11:33:15 pm

You know I'm an open book to you Ashley so ask and I shall dish.

In terms of who I am getting along with the most - that would have to be Vytas. He really does seem to be the only other person on Bracari that is "switched on" already and seems 100% ready to start playing. I like players who come in hot and are able to keep burning more than lukewarm players that you have to massage with small talk and ever so slowly work your way up to the actual interesting aspect of talking game. It helps massively that he is the friend of my secret partner (oh yeah, I've kinda buried the lead there I guess but Cochran and I have been getting along really well also, to the point where we are working out a way to get both our pairs to the merge quietly), and that he is easily the most active member of Bracari but he also seems to be the only one I've spoken to with a real substance to him.

Hayden is another favorite of mine, and not JUST because of the avatar thank you very much! He is actually a very sweet guy and seems ready to compete in challenges so we spoke a little about what we might be able to expect ahead. Hayden is obviously important to my game at the moment as he is paired up with my secret partner but even above that he seems like the kind of guy to keep around.

Of the women I would say Rachel is my favorite because I love a chick with an edgy, sarcastic sense of humour. She seems unreal even though we've only had limited private conversation but I think she is someone I can see myself wanting to work with as well.

Then the rest just kind of sit on the same tier.. No one has been incredibly unbearable or even slightly insufferable as of yet, which could make determining the social hierarchy very difficult. I hate to admit it but, at this stage, should Bracari lose the first challenge, it isn't clear yet who would be in danger. Personally I think Culpepper would be an easy target for first boot as he seems incredibly inexperienced and is someone with whom I have had next to no interaction. I would hate for the tribe to identify Shawn as a first boot candidate purely for his rep being slightly out of place so anything I could do to stamp that out will need to be done. I'll need to really step up with some of the girls in my tribe as well as I seem to be gravitating towards the men but would still like to keep all my little chickies in my tribe good.

Anyway, so, as I said above, things are really coming along well with Cochran, Vytas and I. I even got word from Coby today and it sounds like there is a lot of activity on the faves tribe so I hope he's doing well over there.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Katie » Fri Jun 27, 2014 11:35:44 pm

So Vytas just shared this image with me in PM and I think it perfectly captures how he and I are feeling around camp at the moment:

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Re: Episode 01

Postby Katie » Sat Jun 28, 2014 9:42:54 am

QUESTION: Since Cochran is my BvW partner and also Vyta's IRL partner, does that allow he and I to 3 way chat with Cochran on the main board?

Same thing for Coby, Cochran and I?
As well as Hayden, Coby and I?

We wouldn't be PMing anyone outside of the people we already have permission to PM, so is that allowed?
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Frank the Tank » Sat Jun 28, 2014 10:08:49 am

Katie wrote:QUESTION: Since Cochran is my BvW partner and also Vyta's IRL partner, does that allow he and I to 3 way chat with Cochran on the main board?

Same thing for Coby, Cochran and I?
As well as Hayden, Coby and I?

We wouldn't be PMing anyone outside of the people we already have permission to PM, so is that allowed?

Err...This is Jeff's call. We generally want the tribes to PM each other here and only talk with their partners on the main board. So technically a PM with you AND Vytas would be breaking that rule, which is why I'll have to check with Jeff on this one.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Katie » Sat Jun 28, 2014 10:54:50 am

Thanks Frank. I can see it is a rule stretch so would understand if it went either way.. Just trying one of those "their game, their rules" type things that IRL Jeff is so fond of ;)

Your avi looks a bit like Richard O'Brien though - Riff Raff <3
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Brenda Lowe » Sat Jun 28, 2014 1:23:17 pm

Good update for picking up your individual faves from. But how does that all work out when it comes to alliances? Any thoughts or progress on getting some of your faves together as a set? I mean just here on Bracari, not the cross-tribe stuffs.

And I guess more importantly, who do you like the least, who is most likely to be first boot here and are you in any kind of danger yourself?
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Katie » Sat Jun 28, 2014 10:21:39 pm

Vytas wrote:wtf happened today lol
what's with that message from rachel

Oh gravy.... What could this possibly mean??
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Ashley Underwood » Sun Jun 29, 2014 2:10:00 am

Katie wrote:
Vytas wrote:wtf happened today lol
what's with that message from rachel

Oh gravy.... What could this possibly mean??

As someone who doesn't spend all day reading your messages, care to provide some context on this one? icon_smile
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