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Episode 01

PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 2:33:03 pm
by Stephanie Valencia
Hello, I'm Stephanie Valencia! The winner of Stranded in Namibia!

Welcome to Stranded in Portugal!

You'll be seeing a lot of me here, but you'll also see some of the other hosts, Jeff, Sophie, Ashley, Frank, Brenda, Mia, Sarah and Holly around as well! My main focus here will be on the Bracari Tribe, so talk to me! Most of us hosts are all-stars of the series who have been through it all, so if you have any questions about how the game is played, feel free to PM us and we'll do our best to answer - that's why we are here. Other than that, our duties will basically be to interview you in your confessional here, trying to get into your head and get some insight as to why you may be making certain moves. We will also be handling challenges, tribal council, and tribal council questioning.

Each round, we'll start by asking some introductory questions, and I just want to ask that you answer in complete statements. Oftentimes, we'll turn the seasons into fanfics using these stories, and we will be actively blogging on each episode, and it's easier to do so if we have real quotes and complete thoughts as opposed to simple yes or no answers. We hope you keep up with your confessionals daily during the week as a way to vent and discuss the events of that day. Just try your best to give us insight into what you're thinking or planning as the game progresses, and right now, as we're about to embark. You'll appreciate being able to go back after the show and really see where your head was at certain points in the game, and so will your fellow cast mates!

So here we go......

How confident are you going into this game that you will win?

What are your opinions of your fellow tribemates?

What is your strategy and approach to the game?

How do you feel the rep of Ciera fits you? Will you adjust your game to fit the rep, or just play as you would regardless?

What are your thoughts on the partners twist? Are you disappointed you're not partnered with your friend you came into the game with? Do you plan on working with your friend should you end up on the same tribe?

Do you feel the returning players could have an advantage over you given they've been through this all before?

Good luck! As the winner of last season, I can promise you that you'll want to give this game everything you have. Anything less won't get the job done. This is my winner's advice. I only get to hand over my crown to one of you! There's nineteen other players who are determined to beat you to it. So play your hardest, and make sure you don't walk out of this game with regrets. In four weeks time, you may just be crowned as the winner of Stranded in Portugal!

Re: Episode 01

PostPosted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 10:19:52 pm
by Brenda Lowe
Quite excited by your app girl, and you have a hot hot rep to match. Good luck, and keep us updated as much as you can!

Re: Episode 01

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 11:16:17 pm
by Jeff Probst
So how are you adapting to this style of gameplay, havey ou made any bonds thus far?

Re: Episode 01

PostPosted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 11:38:47 pm
by Ciera
Everyone has been talking about my application, I feel like I have a high standard to live up to, but i promise I will try my best and will be lying if I haven't already prepared my winner's speech ;P! But quite, honestly, I've been so busy that I haven't been able to give everything I have to win, but. coming from my last game the main thing I have to remember is that I am NOT the only one playing and, if you forget that, you mine as well consider yourself blindsided. All right, now on to the questions!

How confident are you going into this game that you will win?

I know it's going to be hard. Very very hard. These returnees have a major advantage over us, it's clear. In a season half returnees vs half rookies on the real show, no rookie has ever one for the reason. Do I think I could be the first one? Hell yeah. I just hope my schedule won't be my downfall. I will be gone from Sunday to Tuesday next week and am also finishing up a real life, live Survivor project tommorow night for my school NHS. So I got my hands full for a little while longer. But after that, i promise you that I will be in this game to win it.

What are your opinions of your fellow tribemates?

I actually really like my tribe so far. Seems to be a very good, balanced atmosophere. Vytas makes for some good bonding with his yoga jokes and Laura seems to try and entertain. I just hope I'm not playing catch up at this point. Marissa seems to like me alot and would be willing to work together. As with Rachel, for she is partnered up with my "friend" Kim P. I say friend in quotes because honestly, I know nothing about her and have no problem in cutting her throat when the time is right. This really isnt a partners game for me. I see everyone as individuals and dont want this twist to get in the way of that.

What is your strategy and approach to the game?

My strategy, as always, is not to come off as a threat. I like to put my decisions and plans and ideas into action by subtely bringing them up to the more OTT and egotistical members of my alliance. That way they get the heat if it backfires. But I'm really good at manipulating people into geting what I want. I need to be active enough in the forum and challenge to be a prescence but not enough to stick out. The middle is a good place for me to be at face value because I know if I can get to the end, I can shmooze over a jury to give me the win.

How do you feel the rep of Ciera fits you? Will you adjust your game to fit the rep, or just play as you would regardless?

Ehh. I know Ciera is supposed to be a little cutthroat in her gameplay and is probably the most infamous newbie in BvW, so every once in a while I try to come off as a little abrassive and almost bitchy to fit that character. But as far as actual strategy and gameplay, nothing really would affect it. I play the game as the kid who sit behind this keyboard would.

What are your thoughts on the partners twist? Are you disappointed you're not partnered with your friend you came into the game with? Do you plan on working with your friend should you end up on the same tribe?

Like I said earlier, this twist doesnt really affect my game. It doesnt add a whole lot to drastically change my strategy, so Im just gonna go with it. If it gives me another ally in Becky who is my partner now and Rachel i guess who is my "friend"'s partner, then so be it. I'll do whatever it takes to get me far however, which could mean turning my back on all of them.

Do you feel the returning players could have an advantage over you given they've been through this all before?

Absolutely, Im still trying to figure out this forum, but I'm loving every second of it. It's so slick, I just feel like I'm on a adventure! But yeah, they do. I may try to use that as a tool to keep us rookie united, but we will have to see how they play before I can adapt, which of course is the name of the game.

Re: Episode 01

PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 12:57:13 pm
by Brenda Lowe
You're in luck Ciera, for the last two Seasons of Fans v Faves in Stranded, Yve won Patagonia, & Purple Kelly won Malaysia - both from the noob half of their Season so there is hope!

I am curious about specifics of your bonds so far. You mention Marissa as "willing to work with you" but an alliance of two does not a majority make. Who would see as an extended circle and I guess more importantly, who would you see as preferred first boot should you guys fall at the first hurdle.

Re: Episode 01

PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 2:13:43 pm
by Ciera
Right, I understand that there certainly is some strategy going on that could include a majority that does not include myself. I haven't talked to everyone yet, but it's looking like the girls over here are gonna be the ones carrying us. I like Vytas and Katie and could probably pull something together with them.

However, the only person I have something "solid" I guess with is someone I havent discussed here yet is..... Rachel. She came up to me, being Kim's new partner, saying that Kim wanted Rachel to "protect" me to the merge or whatever. I didn't like the straightforwardness of it all and, although I may have acted receptive the idea, I'm not gonna put all my eggs in one basket with her. I don't like to be objectified like that. But a nice little security blanket.

As far as first vote, I honestly have no idea... Probably one of the guys other than Vytas dependent on the challenge performance. Usually there is a certain person who has rubbed me the wrong way that I want out first but that's not the case over here. The closest we have to that is... Laura maybe? She's playing up her old lady character so much and that irks me the wrong way. But if I have to appease to the majority first, then by all means. Cause I know it will be a little bit until I can be as strong of a player as I want to be. Not how I want to be, but as Sandra would say, as long as it aint me.

Re: Episode 01

PostPosted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 11:33:53 pm
by Sarah Jones
Good luck girl! I was Proboards player too and I know it's a transition but I know you can do it.

Re: Episode 01

PostPosted: Mon Jun 30, 2014 11:41:50 am
by Stephanie Valencia
So after losing the first immunity challenge, what are your plans to ensure your safety this early in the game?