Regarding the Rankings

Regarding the Rankings

Postby Laura » Tue Jul 01, 2014 10:31:02 pm

I would just like to inform everyone that I didn't really think about my own opinions when making my rankings. I would focus on the top and bottom, and the middle was usually just filled in randomly. Like the intelligence one, I put John on top since he's a doctor and Katie toward the bottom because of Katie irl. So I hope no one reads too much into any of those rankings. I assumed you wouldn't, but I just want to post this to be sure. icon_smile
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Re: Regarding the Rankings

Postby John » Wed Jul 02, 2014 3:38:40 pm

Ahaha, don't worry about it. It would be silly if anyone took that to heart. After all, it's just a challenge. I half-assumed that you'd throw it together randomly for the most part so you wouldn't take too long, and only put the ones who made the most sense at the top and the bottom. No hard feelings between us whatsoever!
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