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Re: Episode 06

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 11:25:40 am
by Ashley Underwood
lol wow ok what's made you decide to get rid of Marissa? The fact she won't be here to scramble?

Re: Episode 06

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 12:19:22 pm
by Vytas
i`m not decided yet. both marissa/john are bad boots, a lot more to lose than to gain. i`m not decided yet.
marissa didn`t give me the clues when i asked and lied to me about it. she has too much power with her friends/partners. and unlike john, she knows what she's doing.
yeah, i know it's stupid to remove the threats when i am one too. but i think i can get john back and control him. i can`t do the same with marissa.
but voting her out could backfire horribly. i`d piss off a lot of people on the other side, while john is a safer vote in this aspect.

me/cochran are half of the votes. he (hopefully) understands that he doesn't have anything else. so i`m safe tonight.

Re: Episode 06

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 12:29:04 pm
by Vytas
oh and one more thing. i honestly love not being in control. i have to fight to stay in the game. i never did this before and it's so much fun now.

so whatever happens from now, i loved this game. got called out at tribal (thx fierce kim), had to start the fireworks at another tribal (thx peter), found my first idol, kicked ass in challenges (but i`m stuck with losers) and now i`m trying to convince the others to get back on my side. awesome experience, minus the week 1 insanity. actually that was fun too. now i`m gonna work my way back up and PAYBACK, BITCHES!

Re: Episode 06

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 8:29:56 pm
by Vytas
think we're using the wrong strategy
but i suck at sliders so i`ll follow marissa and hope she's got it

Re: Episode 06

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 9:25:53 pm
by Vytas
John wrote:Sorry for taking so long. My mom's trying to get me to go back to moving with her, so it's kind of difficult trying to focus.


Re: Episode 06

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 9:47:44 pm
by Vytas
i was fuckin going crazy when john was posting about his mom

Re: Episode 06

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 9:56:52 pm
by Vytas
bracari you should make me a fuckin statue for being so good at tribal yesterday. without me the losing streak would continue.

Re: Episode 06

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 10:10:12 pm
by Vytas
having to tell the tribe we did well hurts me. we fuckin sucked. we're lucky the others sucked more.

Re: Episode 06

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2014 10:34:47 pm
by Vytas
Caryn & Vytas
Cochran & Katie
Ibrehem & Marissa
Ralph & Shawn

vitinho & cochran
john & ralph
katie & coby
rachel & ibrehem
becky & laura

- still in the race for idols - me/caryn, cochran/katie, marissa/ibrehem, ralph/shawn
- semhar is alone.
- caryn only has me but she pissed me off so she's alone.
- becky and laura only have each other
- marissa/ibrehem/rachel
- john/ralph/shawn
- coby tied with katie.

looking at a vytas/cochran/katie/coby alliance, and another one with the boyz (john/ralph/shawn). semhar is alone so i`ll try to work with her.
ralph has to stay in the game. ibrehem leaving would be perfect for me