Episode 01

Re: Episode 01

Postby Brenda Lowe » Fri Jun 27, 2014 11:55:32 am


Jeff may have this disabled for your usergroup. If so, then people will see ya when they see ya. If the option is there in your settings, then it's fair game.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Vytas » Fri Jun 27, 2014 12:06:09 pm


i'll repost cause i'm nice

so jeff is a punk ass bitch for disabling that option.
and i'm not happy with my tribe because the boys are pussies.
marissa is my closest ally. she really cool and we went to srs bzns after 3/4 pm's. smart girl.
katie and rachel are cool. this combined with the lack of options means i'll work with them.
then there's john and we have mutual friends, and there's shawn. they're both cool but they're clueless.
i already mentioned how much i liked the locker room alliance in bvw and got fuckin nothing back.

so if we lose i'll push for a laura/ciera boot. then maybe the men will grow some balls and we'll get a fuckin brigade. enough female winners.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Vytas » Fri Jun 27, 2014 12:33:45 pm

i have a gift for yog

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Re: Episode 01

Postby Stephanie Valencia » Fri Jun 27, 2014 9:23:07 pm

I notice you told Katie in your messages that you're "not a challenge beast". Seven individual immunity wins in Aus Stranded: Socotra says otherwise. :D Are you planning on going all out in challenges to help your tribe? Or are you going to intentionally hold back a bit so you're not seen as too much of a challenge threat later down the road?
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Vytas » Fri Jun 27, 2014 10:51:47 pm

i dont think people will be targetted in this game for challenge performance. like rachel said in a pm "it screams side deals".
i'm not gonna hold back in challenges. if i compete in something i'ma give 100%. but i'll miss a few challenges. plus some of my tribemates are a little slow, i'll have to work hard for our immunity.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Vytas » Fri Jun 27, 2014 11:42:39 pm

day 2 tribe ranking

1. marissa. already explained why. gurl is awesome. i'm fuckin hot headed and if i got someone who i can talk strategy with and analyze the options i'm gonna be great.
2. katie. she cool and she knows what she's doing.
3. john. he's kinda boring but i can control him and i'm not gonna screw cochran
4. shawn. starting to like the guy. i'd like to have him on my side in any possible alliance. not too threatening, not too bad.
5. rachel. i saw her online a few times and she was pm'ing. and she wasn't talking to me then. she's really smart but if i can't trust her she has to go. not targetting her anytime soon, it's still early, but gurl i'm the fuckin king on this island and if you want to pm, you do it with me. also everyone in the tribe likes her. competition.
6. hayden. guy is nice, he could move up in a few days. so far we didn't talk a lot
7. laura. idk. she's ok, she's active, i wanna work with her but it's just... there's no fuckin chemistry here. i struggle to reply her messages. she's probably having the same problem with me. long term, this is not good. is it because of her avatar?
8. ciera. boring
9. brad. only had 2 pm's with him and i thought he's a moron. man, i'm telling you about locker room alliance and you don't get it? dumb
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Vytas » Sat Jun 28, 2014 12:06:41 am

lol i voted cochran and caryn as the ugliest. i'm stupid, they're my fn friend/partner. but i really think they're the ugliest in limimamici or whatever they're called.
i don't think they'll think of it as me outing my partners, but i shoulda think about it before voting and go with someone else.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Vytas » Sat Jun 28, 2014 12:16:44 am

got a pm from ciera in which she said something like 'ass kissing will take you far'.
lol. ciera is dumb. already had a hard time talking to her. brad moves to #8 in my rankings
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Vytas » Sat Jun 28, 2014 1:32:10 am

k so i went through the pm's to be sure i don't fuck up anything
that's what i said to others re: people i like
- Hayden: like Rachel
- Laura: Katie, Marissa (agree they're cool), Shawn (ok)
- Shawn: Laura (nice)
- Rachel: Marissa, John, Hayden (ok)
- John: Rachel (doesn't ignore me), Katie, Hayden (pretty good)
- Katie: Rachel (love her), Hayden (got along well), John, Marissa (active)
- Marissa: Rachel (nice), Shawn (middle ground, nice)

people i dislike
- Laura: Brad, Ciera (got nothing from them)
- Rachel: Shawn/Brad/Ciera (aren't here), Laura/Katie (not really chatty)
- Marissa: Ciera, Brad (just hi/hi)

what others told me

people they like
- Ciera: likes the girls. mentioned the boys in a negative way
- Hayden: Katie (chatted - sweet), Rachel (funny)
- Laura: Hayden, Ciera, John (are all nice). Katie, Marissa (both cool). Shawn (warming up to him)
- Shawn: Hayden, Brad, Laura (don't seem bad)
- Rachel: Laura, John (a lot)
- John: Marissa, Katie (pretty nice), Rachel (keeper), Hayden (pretty cool)
- Katie: Rachel, Hayden (good feeling), John (good choice, safe bet)
- Marissa: Katie, Hayden (pretty cool), Shawn (pretty cool + agrees with me)

people they don't
- Ciera: Shawn, Hayden, Brad, John (didn't talk a whole lot to them)
- Laura: Brad (never get much).
- Marissa: Rachel, Ciera (didn't talk to them)


one of the reasons i went through pm's was to see if rachel's social game is as brilliant as i feared. it is.

- i didn't give away too much. most of my pm's were general. and i got some good stuff from the others.
- i told hayden/john/katie/marissa that i like rachel. not a great thing, but not a bad thing since everyone likes her.
- same with hayden. he's well liked and i told the others i like him too.
- marissa and katie, who are my closest allies right now weren't mentioned too much. this is great. told everyone i like the people who are well liked and kept my true alliances in the background. mentioned them to get something but didn't push. smart.
- shawn and john are my mor options and never put them in the same alliance possibility. awesome. need to have different options and i don't want the people who trust me to trust each other.
- my only mistake with info i gave was with rachel. i didn't talk too much but it was still more than i should've. i named 5 people who aren't high on my list. it was a list of people we should consider and went by elimination and wasn't a big deal, but naming them wasn't smart.

- only laura said marissa when it comes to people they like. this worries me. i totally like her but the others don't. i have to keep her safe.
- almost everyone said rachel and hayden. yikes. i hope i'm also up there with them in their minds.
- i think everyone would want shawn in their alliance, but at the bottom. good.
- brad is the easy 1st boot. please get active, bitch, i want ciera out
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Brenda Lowe » Sat Jun 28, 2014 1:16:02 pm

Who is the ugliest on the Bracari tribe?? People need to know.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Vytas » Sat Jun 28, 2014 9:26:11 pm

mrs bonehead
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Vytas » Sat Jun 28, 2014 9:30:45 pm

rachel and hayden decide to take charge
vitinho doesnt like it but he's a little drunk so he won't do anything stupid now.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Vytas » Sat Jun 28, 2014 9:59:35 pm

i hate this game
i`d like to fuckin sleep cause its 6am and instead i`m on bracari fukin anwering pm's and not doing shit
and i dont even know what's the time there for ya, maybe i`m wasting my time and they all sleeping and nobody will answer
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Vytas » Sat Jun 28, 2014 10:11:53 pm

k so its 10pm
i'm going to sleep and i`ll fuckin (try to) wake up in 2 hours to see what's happening, maybe they`ll be here at midnight
this is brutal. nobody's here when i am. fuck.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Vytas » Sun Jun 29, 2014 12:51:28 am

i shoulda stay the fuck out of portugal earlier. got overly parannoid and talked too much. i'm a moron. i'll fix it tho, i'm in a majority no matter how this goes.
i'm more worried about tonight's challenge. i think tomorrow for you, idk. a high school friend's birthday so we'll get together and drink like in the good old days. and then i'll try to come here and win the challenge. shit.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Vytas » Sun Jun 29, 2014 1:07:23 am

hayden: of course we're good, none of the girls have mentioned the word "alliance" to me , so I have no idea what's going on

shit, if this message was sent a few hours ago i'd have a fuckin war with him. he thinks i'm dumb or what the fuck? hayden you're a fuckin idiot
i'm gonna give him a nice reply even tho he deserves something like "no brother, i never heard the word alliance, the girls never pm'd me, you're the only one i'm talking to". if you're trying to bs me you deserve 10x more bs, bitch.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Vytas » Sun Jun 29, 2014 1:56:49 am

so as soon as i asked rachel about a deal with our friends on the ugly tribe she went to the arena and started pm'ing.
if she doesn't agree soon it means he's feeding info to the other tribe.
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Vytas » Sun Jun 29, 2014 2:09:52 am

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Re: Episode 01

Postby Ashley Underwood » Sun Jun 29, 2014 4:51:37 am

I feel your TZ pain. Stay Strong.

Who are you watching carefully on Bracari? Also, who do you rank #2 on the ugly scale after Laura?
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Vytas » Sun Jun 29, 2014 7:35:29 am

from bracari? that's where the ugly scale ends.
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