Episode 02

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Episode 02

Postby Stephanie Valencia » Mon Jun 30, 2014 8:55:20 pm

Congratulations on surviving your first Tribal Council!

How has this first loss affected Bracari?

Where do you feel you stand in your tribe at this point?

What are the current developments like with your partner and friend on Limici?

After losing the first Immunity Challenge, what do you have to do the next time around to reverse the result?
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Re: Episode 02

Postby Brenda Lowe » Mon Jun 30, 2014 9:53:17 pm

Rachel wrote:
Ashley Underwood wrote:Hey Rachel <3

I wasn't able to make the challenge, and reading back over it doesn't really give the same impression of what happened. Do you feel like giving me the lowdown? I can tell already you think Hayden was the weak link?

K here's the low down.

So me and Haydumb (That's his new name by the way) got paired up in the challenge. Now this wasn't a problem at first since I thought I was getting the pieces and was posting them for Haydumb. HOWEVER Jeff goes ahead and gives them to Haydumb since his name was first in our pair. Now this wouldn't be a problem except for the fact that instead of posting the pieces one at a time like we were told he goes ahead and starts solving this shit even though I said I didn't get the pieces. After this Jeff forwards me the PM since Haydumb can't do shit and I start posting the pieces BEFORE HAYDUMB POST ALL OF THE PIECES IN ONE POST!!!

Anyway both me and Jeff yell at him before I finish posting the pieces and start solving the shit, and I'm like half way through when all of a sudden Brenda says that we already lost and all because of Haydumb... YEAH GREAT START DON'T YA FUCKING THINK!!!

So what is the moral of this story? icon_surprised Is he something you try to work around, or someone you want out for it? If tomorrow's challenge were the same again, will you take the lead, or sit back and let it happen?
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Re: Episode 02

Postby Rachel » Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:40:33 pm

Honestly Haydumb has like... At least 2 other votes before I can safely target him. Maybe 3. Honestly with how much fodder we have on this tribe I don't see him going anytime soon :/

Am I going to let him take the lead in the next challenge though? HELL FUCKING NO!!! Tomorrow I'm keeping him as far away from a position where he can ruin shit as possible. Like really I don't want this bitch fucking this team over I do not wanna risk getting booted this early because he was a dumbass.

Oh and the second I get the chance he's going, end of fucking story.
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Re: Episode 02

Postby Ashley Underwood » Tue Jul 01, 2014 4:59:19 pm

I love how passionate you are, even if it's in hatred for someone icon_laughing Keep telling us how you really feel, Rach <3

What kind of challenge are you hoping for tonight? What is the plan if you lose?
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Re: Episode 02

Postby Rachel » Tue Jul 01, 2014 5:55:36 pm

Ashley Underwood wrote:I love how passionate you are, even if it's in hatred for someone icon_laughing Keep telling us how you really feel, Rach <3

What kind of challenge are you hoping for tonight? What is the plan if you lose?

Honestly I'm hoping for something I can easily do on mobile since my computer is shot to shit ATM, like a guessing or turn based challenge. I feel like I could do something like that fairly well.

As far as a plan, well everyone's pretty much on team boot Brad's useless ass. I've gotten a total of one PM from him and I never see him on, tbh this team needs people who can do shit and I'd rather not piss anybody I don't need to off yet even though booting Haydumb's fucking ass would be amazing.
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