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Episode 08

PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 10:21:25 pm
by Brenda Lowe
And then there were three.

Small tribes suck, and I'm sure you're aware of how close those two are. So whatchu gonna do?

What do you make of Vytas big reveal at TC?

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 10:29:17 pm
by Marissa
Brenda Lowe wrote:And then there were three.

Small tribes suck, and I'm sure you're aware of how close those two are. So whatchu gonna do?

What do you make of Vytas big reveal at TC?

I think me and Cochran are looking at getting Vytas out. Again like i've said before I get Snake vibes from cochran but he just purposed for us two to work more exclusively. This could be to cover his ass but Vytas is compeletly breaking down mentally. I'll say it once I'll say it again, HE' IS A LOOSE CANNON!!! Honestly he is the Devin from Big Brother of Stranded. He's just a complete nutbar. And this is coming from me. THe guy who was a paranoid mess in Gnarls 3 and the guy who completely flipped his shit when a vote didn't go his way as Cloud in Mega5. Vytas is absolutely the worst. Bringing people into alliances before discussing wit the entire group, spilling information left and right, terrible pms that make me want to gauge my eyes out, now flipping after the challenge and wanting to be voted out. I can't with him. Please I hope to god Cochran is seeing this and votes with me. I'll try to calm him down tommorow cause if a merge comes I fucking need him for the time being as a number. Although I will be looking at cutting him loose in the future before he blows anything up.

HE's fucking crazy. I can't with him.

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 10:32:10 pm
by Brenda Lowe
And if he has the idol he claimed to have?

Re: Episode 08

PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2014 10:50:08 pm
by Marissa
Brenda Lowe wrote:And if he has the idol he claimed to have?

There's nothing i can do about it. He's going to vote for me or Cochran. it's a risk I have to take. Although he seems checked out...either that or he's trying to Will Kirby this shit...but i don't think he has the intellect for that. i'll give him a night off to calm down.