Episode 03

Moved to Limici

Episode 03

Postby Stephanie Valencia » Tue Jul 01, 2014 9:56:47 pm

Losing back to back challenges isn't the perfect start to Stranded to say the least! However there's still a long road ahead of you.

Do you believe this is a sign of things to come for the Bracari tribe, that the Limici tribe will use their experience to dominate over you? Or do you believe you can still turn this around?

What do you make of the rankings in the challenge? Do you feel this will affect your strategy? Was anything revealed that you think could jeopardise your game?
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Re: Episode 03

Postby Katie » Tue Jul 01, 2014 10:32:13 pm

I should preface this with a massive warning for future readers: I AM TIRED AS FUCK, OK? Seriously, work has never been so hectic for me and juggling this with blogging for AusStranded 14 and a half-hearted attempt at a third ORG was NOT A GOOD IDEA. I can practically FEEL Ashley's stank eye burning a hole in the back of my head right now and am NOT looking forward to her waltzing in here with her I TOLD YOU SO BOOs and the like. UGH. KILL ME NOW.

Anyway, because I am so SERIOUSLY fucked up tired, my confessional answers will probably seem a bit more pointed and edgy (read: Imma sound like a bitch today). Looking at Laura's responses to the challenge today, I can only assume that it is a clear indication of just how out of the loop Laura is so I won't take it too personally since she hasn't really demonstrated her own mental prowess too capably since this game started anyway so it's hard to get too hurt when someone dumb calls you dumb because that's them clearly just being dumb.

So, now I hear that Marissa wants to target Hayden because she thinks Hayden is in control. IN CONTROL OF WHAT MARISSA? A tribe full of losers? The loser tribe? SO WHAT? WHY DOES THAT MATTER SO MUCH TO YOU? Just let him be in control of the loser tribe and we can all just walk to the merge - why are you starting shit now and turning against one of the alliance of 6 and showing us all that you are a SHADY (yes, Ashley, SHADY) bitch? Now, instead of just lining up Laura next and booting Boneham back to the prehistoric ages to be with her caveman husband, it looks like I'm gonna have to actually hustle and work and try to figure out a way around this because I am NOT down with voting out Hayden. That removes a chance for Coby to get an immunity talisman and Coby is my partner so he is a ready-made alliance at merge and I am not one of those players who actively harms their own alliance by doing dumb shit.

This tribe is actually starting to give me the legitimate shits right now. I am too worn-out for this kind of juvenile, over zealous bullshit from restless players who want to suddenly start thinking of themselves as strategic masterminds on DAY FOUR or something. Like, save it for when it matters. You can't win the game with BIG MOVES when there isn't even a jury forming yet, you're just sending people to loser's lodge and then they get forgotten about. Everyone here needs to cool their jets a bit and calm the fuck down. Katie's sick of being nice.


Bloody Katie Collins hasn't got any pictures where she isn't smiling like an absolute angel because she is clearly far more cherubic and pure than me so I had to stick that picture in there again but I am NOT all love hearts and blonde hair and smiles and sweetness at the moment.
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Re: Episode 03

Postby Katie » Tue Jul 01, 2014 10:48:43 pm

So, apparently Caryn thinks there is a swap happening tomorrow? I hope to god Caryn is the oracle and that happens. It makes sense for it since a) we're getting destroyed and b) the current lineups will result in too many full partnerships making it to the merge.
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Re: Episode 03

Postby Ashley Underwood » Tue Jul 01, 2014 10:51:58 pm


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Re: Episode 03

Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Jul 02, 2014 12:12:11 pm

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Re: Episode 03

Postby Katie » Wed Jul 02, 2014 7:52:28 pm

So much Katie Collins! Thanks ladies, I love my gifs and these will all come in handy! icon_wub

Things are getting a little tense here on Bracari. It's not so much that I feel in any real danger, but everyone is holding their cards real close to their chest and are primarily sticking to their own, very small social circles. That makes it hard to spread any possibilities around without pretty much putting your neck on the line because the way the tribe is structured at the moment means that saying any name to almost anyone is risky because that could be the one person who would NOT want to hear that name and you end up screwing yourself. There are no clearly defined relationships because this tribe has done a shitty job socially so far, myself included. Heck, when you feel closer to two players on the opposing side than you do every player except two on your own tribe it pretty much means you've done a shit job socially.
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Re: Episode 03

Postby Katie » Wed Jul 02, 2014 7:58:55 pm

Hayden just pointed out that there is no mention of Tribal in the tree mail for tonight. I guess that means we're getting swapped and will have the night to get to know our new tribes?

I'd best run a brush through this hair and put on my prettiest smile in that case.

Hi! I'm Katie! It's ever so delightful to finally meet you!! I'm ever so honest and ever so loyal and I know we'll just become the most best of friends!! *BAT EYELASHES*

That should do it!
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Re: Episode 03

Postby Katie » Wed Jul 02, 2014 8:01:29 pm

Yep! All our camp threads and the discussion threads on the main board are gone! I'm nervous! Swaps have really worked for me in the past and they have also really screwed me over!
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