Final Words

~8th Voted Out | 3-1 Vote | ~13th Place

Final Words

Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Jul 09, 2014 9:59:53 pm

Ugh, well this sucks, but your time in Stranded has come to an end (for this Season at least). Please post some final thoughts and comments about your experience here. Maybe who you are rooting for. Any bitterness you feel. Post-game reflections.

After that, make sure you head over to the main board where we have a Loser Lodge just waiting for your input where you can chill with the others with no pressure to play and just watch it all play out.
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Re: Final Words

Postby John » Wed Jul 09, 2014 10:06:04 pm

Oh man, I was voted out? Well, I guess I can't really blame them... It is a bit disappointing, though. I had to push a lot of things out of the way just to make it to the last challenge, and I worked so hard just to try and prove myself. Guess I just didn't have what it takes, eh?

Well, it was an absolute joy playing in this game, even if I didn't get to stay as long as I'd like. No matter what happened between me and some of the others players, I thought they were all a blessing to have around. I was so terrified of being around strangers at first, but after just a few talks, it felt like I had known them for the longest time. Every moment we spent together, whether it was our few victories, many losses, or hilarious tribal councils, I enjoyed. Even now, while I am sad to depart from here, I don't regret a single moment I spent with these fantastic people. Who knows? If I'm lucky, I'll be able to come back and see them all again. Then, I'll really show them all what I'm capable of!

Thanks for giving me the chance to play the game! I wish you all the best!
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Re: Final Words

Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Jul 09, 2014 10:10:08 pm

Let me know you can read and post at main! Also that you have no PM access. Some weird things have been happening with the permissions for pre-Jurors.
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Re: Final Words

Postby John » Wed Jul 09, 2014 10:12:25 pm

I'm able to read everything from all the tribes at the Arena, and I can post just fine in Loser's Lodge.
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Re: Final Words

Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Jul 09, 2014 10:25:26 pm

Perfect. I don't do this part often so I get confused. Do stick around, and come back on other nights to check out how Ralphie is doing. Under normal circumstances we'd give you all good updates on in-game stuff, but because of the partners twist we really can't give any inside info in case people talk outside the board. But speculation aplenty.
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Re: Final Words

Postby John » Wed Jul 09, 2014 10:29:34 pm

Believe me, I'll be popping up quite often to see how he's doing. I'm expecting him to win this thing this time around! Besides, now I can hang out with all my old tribe members who got voted out! It's gonna be great!
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Re: Final Words

Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Jul 09, 2014 11:20:13 pm

idk if you got to read this, but I thought you might like it. It is Ralph's last PM to you;

Ralph wrote:hey but guess what
evenif you lose
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Brenda Lowe
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Re: Final Words

Postby Ashley Underwood » Thu Jul 10, 2014 10:47:36 am

Brenda Lowe wrote:idk if you got to read this, but I thought you might like it. It is Ralph's last PM to you;

Ralph wrote:hey but guess what
evenif you lose

ugh this is too much. icon_weep
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