Episode 03

Moved to Limici

Episode 03

Postby Stephanie Valencia » Tue Jul 01, 2014 9:58:09 pm

Losing back to back challenges isn't the perfect start to Stranded to say the least! However there's still a long road ahead of you.

Do you believe this is a sign of things to come for the Bracari tribe, that the Limici tribe will use their experience to dominate over you? Or do you believe you can still turn this around?

What do you make of the rankings in the challenge? Do you feel this will affect your strategy? Was anything revealed that you think could jeopardise your game?
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Re: Episode 03

Postby Shawn » Tue Jul 01, 2014 10:50:37 pm

Eh, we lost, but it's not like we lost anyone important. Our first two boots were complete Inactive idiots. I understand Ciera being absent due to vacation, but Brad had No excuse and just sucks that I didn't even get to leave a funny vote for him. Then again I wasn't able to have time to even make something witty.

This ranking just completely scares me now. I'm labeled as Least Annoying and one of the Smartest players in this game. Shit! There goes my UTR strategy since now some of these players will label me as a threat in the long-run. I just need some long-term support from players like Marissa and Vytas and possibly John (since he's the smartest guy before me). I'm just hoping the reason I'm labeled as smart was because of the challenge skills, but damn this tampers a lot of my plans. At least I'm in a solid alliance between Vytas, John, and Marissa (also Laura)
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Re: Episode 03

Postby Shawn » Wed Jul 02, 2014 1:20:01 pm

Now things will get interesting if we lose again. I have 3 separate alliances that I'm associated with which I already mentioned so go look it up, but it seems that Katie might end up breaking one road because Vytas apparently told Katie of the alliance and probably ratted out Hayden and Rachel, but still that's their problem not mine. If the alliance between me/John/Vytas/Marissa falls apart I still have the Laura/me/Marissa or RAchel's alliance to fall back on. But stil I need to clarify with John and Vytas about this. I just had a crapload of trouble trying to get on this board last night and this morning. icon_glare
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Re: Episode 03

Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Jul 02, 2014 4:26:28 pm

Yeah sorry about that. Some server issues but ought to be all sorted now.

Recap those three alliances for me. Who would you most like to see gone, now that the fodder is no longer there for a buffer.
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