Episode 03

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Episode 03

Postby Stephanie Valencia » Tue Jul 01, 2014 9:56:00 pm

Losing back to back challenges isn't the perfect start to Stranded to say the least! However there's still a long road ahead of you.

Do you believe this is a sign of things to come for the Bracari tribe, that the Limici tribe will use their experience to dominate over you? Or do you believe you can still turn this around?

What do you make of the rankings in the challenge? Do you feel this will affect your strategy? Was anything revealed that you think could jeopardise your game?
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Re: Episode 03

Postby Hayden » Tue Jul 01, 2014 10:36:42 pm

HONESTLY... I really believe we're doomed we have no shot at all, we're all bunch of newbies... so the hell with this bullshit of "believe in ourselves.." we're screwed... icon_chaos

do you believe you can still turn this around?

I believe we can still win this.. if we get some of them losers on our tribe...

What do you make of the rankings in the challenge?


goodbye hagress Laura! I knew I was boring and shit, but for her to publicly rank me .. no..just.. just no... she's on my hit list next with Roachel

Do you feel this will affect your strategy?

yes, rewatch the gif.. the hagress will be slayed

Was anything revealed that you think could jeopardise your game?

yes, Laura seems to be quite close with Shawn, so if that's her sidekick, I'll make sure I won't pm shit about her to Shawn
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Re: Episode 03

Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Jul 02, 2014 12:04:48 pm

So reading that, & with the fodder out of the way, you're looking at booting one of Laura or Rachel. But you fear Shawn's closeness with Laura? So I guess that begs the question, are the numbers there to do what you want to do?
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Re: Episode 03

Postby Hayden » Wed Jul 02, 2014 3:22:49 pm

Brenda Lowe wrote:So reading that, & with the fodder out of the way, you're looking at booting one of Laura or Rachel. But you fear Shawn's closeness with Laura? So I guess that begs the question, are the numbers there to do what you want to do?

tbh I have no idea, I'm always paranoid, I feel everyone's playing me and with this site crashing down I can't scheme properly icon_chaos

as of now the rankings are :

7 &6 - Vytas and Katie
5- Marissa
1- Laura

but I can't get over this ranking done by Laura yesterday...
(Least to Most ANNOYING)
Shawn, Katie, Marissa, Vytas, Rachel, Hayden, John, Brad

I really fear there's an ongoing alliance between the 4 of them , or I'm just getting paranoid
I don't want to put too much thought into it because I could really screw up things..

I'm just hoping the 6 or 7 of us are still on board with booting Laura next
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Re: Episode 03

Postby Brenda Lowe » Wed Jul 02, 2014 4:22:48 pm

Spoiler: show

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Re: Episode 03

Postby Hayden » Wed Jul 02, 2014 6:59:12 pm

it's one hour before challenge.. and Marissa warned us yesterday she'll miss the challenge, now Laura has some issues to deal with it, I have no idea where Vytas is, Rachel is nowhere to be found.. it's only me and Shawn at this point.. we're ..um... FUCKED
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