That LOUD abrasive bitch needs to go!

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That LOUD abrasive bitch needs to go!

Postby Hayden » Sun Jun 29, 2014 9:07:22 pm

That freakin Rachel who barks like a dog needs to GTFO ASAP... I can't stand her, and we're all buddy buddy now, but I know she's angry and bitchy towards me because I was quite lost at the challenge but her barking orders and being a bitch ain't going to lead us to victory

if it were up to me that hag would be my first choice, but it looks like Ciera is going tomorrow for not showing up...

right now Roachel is running this tribe, she has Marissa, Shawn and I think Jon.. if she wants a girl out this round fine, I can always get the guys to vote together next round

in my perfect world, I would love to get Ciera, Brad, vytas , Katie and one more.. all on board to vote that abrasive bitch, but it might not work, so I'll just keep my mouth shut and hope I'm safe

I don't think I'm put to blame, because we were BEHIND the other team, even if we'd posted our (Roachel and I) puzzles pieces in time, it wouldn't matter because we were all struggling with them portions
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Re: That LOUD abrasive bitch needs to go!

Postby Jeff Probst » Mon Jun 30, 2014 1:50:31 pm

<3333 Yasss. Loving you sticking up for yourself <3
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Re: That LOUD abrasive bitch needs to go!

Postby Ashley Underwood » Mon Jun 30, 2014 2:24:59 pm

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