Episode 01

Moved to Tapoli

Episode 01

Postby Stephanie Valencia » Thu Jun 26, 2014 2:33:28 pm

Hello, I'm Stephanie Valencia! The winner of Stranded in Namibia!

Welcome to Stranded in Portugal!

You'll be seeing a lot of me here, but you'll also see some of the other hosts, Jeff, Sophie, Ashley, Frank, Brenda, Mia, Sarah and Holly around as well! My main focus here will be on the Bracari Tribe, so talk to me! Most of us hosts are all-stars of the series who have been through it all, so if you have any questions about how the game is played, feel free to PM us and we'll do our best to answer - that's why we are here. Other than that, our duties will basically be to interview you in your confessional here, trying to get into your head and get some insight as to why you may be making certain moves. We will also be handling challenges, tribal council, and tribal council questioning.

Each round, we'll start by asking some introductory questions, and I just want to ask that you answer in complete statements. Oftentimes, we'll turn the seasons into fanfics using these stories, and we will be actively blogging on each episode, and it's easier to do so if we have real quotes and complete thoughts as opposed to simple yes or no answers. We hope you keep up with your confessionals daily during the week as a way to vent and discuss the events of that day. Just try your best to give us insight into what you're thinking or planning as the game progresses, and right now, as we're about to embark. You'll appreciate being able to go back after the show and really see where your head was at certain points in the game, and so will your fellow cast mates!

So here we go......

How confident are you going into this game that you will win?

What are your opinions of your fellow tribemates?

What is your strategy and approach to the game?

How do you feel the rep of Hayden fits you? Will you adjust your game to fit the rep, or just play as you would regardless?

What are your thoughts on the partners twist? Are you disappointed you're not partnered with your friend you came into the game with? Do you plan on working with your friend should you end up on the same tribe?

Do you feel the returning players could have an advantage over you given they've been through this all before?

Good luck! As the winner of last season, I can promise you that you'll want to give this game everything you have. Anything less won't get the job done. This is my winner's advice. I only get to hand over my crown to one of you! There's nineteen other players who are determined to beat you to it. So play your hardest, and make sure you don't walk out of this game with regrets. In four weeks time, you may just be crowned as the winner of Stranded in Portugal!
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Brenda Lowe » Thu Jun 26, 2014 10:21:11 pm

You better deliver as much as your app promised boi! Good luck, win!
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Hayden » Fri Jun 27, 2014 12:01:42 am

How confident are you going into this game that you will win?
I'm confident I can outlast a bunch of them, but winning that's pretty hard to say when this game is solely based on luck, it's going to take a twist to take me out or a bunch of ladies who will piranha'd the flesh out of me, because girls in this game will stick together until the end.

What are your opinions of your fellow tribemates?
I liked them, they seem to know the game very well which I find it rather unfortunate, because it's easier to compete against players who suck at the game.
If I had to describe some of them...
Katie: adorable, definitely the one to keep an eye on, I've chatted with her already, and her answers are well written, she seems to be the "normal" one within the group.. she could go really far in this game.. and I bet she's already working an all girl alliance now.. as I type all this crap..

Vytas: I like him already! I dig his humor, I feel me and him are going to run this game if we can make it the first tribal council. We're both concerned about a possible girl alliance , so he needs to start planning his yoga sessions right now.. because his mouth might get him in trouble, he's already acting like a douche at camp

Shawn: a newbie within a newbie tribe, he's already nervous, the only NON-BvW tribe mate on our tribe, if he messes up a challenge or shows inactivity he could be the first one out easily... but I see him as an asset

Rachel: she sounds like the outgoing "I NEED A MAN RIGHT NOW" type of girl.. she's alone, her Tyson isn't here, and she's already all over my body, I'll keep posting some of my favourite nudes from BvsW gifs to keep her happy and work with her to my advantage, but other than that I find her a bit annoying.. but its only the first day

What is your strategy and approach to the game?
Lie low, bond with everyone, tell all the girls I broke up with Kat, walk shirtless around camp 24/7 and avoiding rustle feathers.. whatever that means..

No seriously, lie low but also act dumb and sweet , people buy into that shit, they'll think you're not a threat and will want to keep you further but I can't play the virginesque, never got laid card...because I have killer body...

How do you feel the rep of Hayden fits you? Will you adjust your game to fit the rep, or just play as you would regardless?
I finally get to play a HOT guy! All the girls are already into me, I bet Rick couldn't do that... so yes a good advantage, I'll definitely use that to get all the girls and closeted guys on my side !

What are your thoughts on the partners twist? Are you disappointed you're not partnered with your friend you came into the game with? Do you plan on working with your friend should you end up on the same tribe?
I don't really care about this Partners vs Friends twist.. as far as I'm concerned we're all playing as one, I don't trust anyone but myself, but there's one thing I'm worried about.. is if there are few partners left in the game that are intact, others will force to break a pair out just to avoid them having a talisman... so for this reason.. Cody I'm hoping you go out the first round buddy! no hard feelings! I do not care if we're partnered, you just have to go

Do you feel the returning players could have an advantage over you given they've been through this all before?

short answer NO..
douche answer: they're just a bunch of pre-merge boots with all talk and no action

However they might work well in challenges, they've already dealt with it, they're familiar with the site, the tricks , but eventually they'll just collapse one after the other...
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Brenda Lowe » Fri Jun 27, 2014 7:44:41 am

Bros before hoes much? icon_glare How much of your decisions are gonna be based on reps here, and how much on legit connections?
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Hayden » Sat Jun 28, 2014 12:17:19 am

too soon to tell but by "legit connection" you mean Semhar? I barely know the girl, so I don't really care for her in this game, "bros vs before hoes" might suck, but thats the cards that I'm playing with at this moment, but honestly I feel it's going to be actives vs inacts... but for now the guys need to stick together just for one vote to avoid an all girl alliance
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Brenda Lowe » Sat Jun 28, 2014 1:00:35 pm

lol, I meant more by how much you are focused on aligning with the guys, and what happens if you find you hate one of the guys or love one of the girls. Do you actually think there is an all-girl alliance (or potential one) forming or are you just keeping your bases covered?

But for now, inactives versus actives you say? Who is in which camp?
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Ashley Underwood » Sun Jun 29, 2014 9:34:53 am

Hayden <3 (Nu-Rick <3)

If you move ahead with a bros before hoes alliance (offensive to me, btw </3) who would your ideal first boot be from the girls? If you move ahead with an active v inactive alliance, who would your ideal first boot be from the inactives? =]
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Hayden » Sun Jun 29, 2014 4:40:19 pm

Brenda Lowe wrote:lol, I meant more by how much you are focused on aligning with the guys, and what happens if you find you hate one of the guys or love one of the girls. Do you actually think there is an all-girl alliance (or potential one) forming or are you just keeping your bases covered?

But for now, inactives versus actives you say? Who is in which camp?

As of right now, yesterday Rachel came up with the idea of having a "group" (alliance) to work with just in case we have to prepare for tribal council. I proposed the idea of making it actives vs inactives... we agreed the alliance would consist of : Me, Rachel, Vytas, Katie, Marissa, John, and Shawn

so to answer your question no.. I don't think there is a girl alliance, but to be sure me, and Vytas would want the first boot to be a girl
and as far as I can tell, this is not going to be a men vs women tribe because a lot of the guys are inactive (Brad & even John) and John has been given pretty vague answers, so I can't read him, It'd be too difficult to place all these guys in the same agenda
so it's just the 7 of us for now
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Hayden » Sun Jun 29, 2014 4:50:21 pm

Ashley Underwood wrote:Hayden <3 (Nu-Rick <3)

If you move ahead with a bros before hoes alliance (offensive to me, btw </3) who would your ideal first boot be from the girls? If you move ahead with an active v inactive alliance, who would your ideal first boot be from the inactives? =]

good question, so as I was explaining to Brenda, the ideal first boot has to be a girl in both context (actives vs inacts and men vs women), just to avoid the girls ganging up against the guys.

I was thinking Laura, she hasn't really bonded with anyone and her constant lines of "Where is Caleb, why Shawn is here?" are quite annoying, she's just a loose cannon, even though she's quite active compared to Ciera, she's got to go
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Ashley Underwood » Mon Jun 30, 2014 3:05:58 am

Thanks Hayden <3

I missed the challenge last night, and I'm sorry to see it didn't go well for Bracari :( What exactly had you confused with the challenge? You said you were pretty lost?
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Hayden » Mon Jun 30, 2014 2:59:44 pm

it was a misunderstanding , instead of posting the pieces one by one on the thread, I tried to assemble it first, and then Rachel was bitching about not getting the pieces, so I had to stop what I was doing and help her with what she wanted.. and from there it was a total cluster and we lost

but overall we weren't fast enough, and Shawn was waiting for us like an idiot... and I don't even want to get there with Shawn now.. I'll probably save it for another of rants .. if I'm still here lol

If I do get votes cast against me tonight, then I'll know Rachel has spread some shit about me... so I better have no votes tonight , it's supposed to be Ciera vs Brad at this point

I'd rather for Ciera leaving tonight, atleast Brad showed up.. I know Ciera was online yesterday and she didn't even bother to comment at Camp, a pat on the back , NOTHING.. girl you must go
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Ashley Underwood » Tue Jul 01, 2014 5:49:11 am

No votes for you, at least :D
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Hayden » Tue Jul 01, 2014 1:13:49 pm

Ashley Underwood wrote:No votes for you, at least :D

:D I officially beaten Nu-Rick icon_mml
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Re: Episode 01

Postby Ashley Underwood » Tue Jul 01, 2014 4:25:40 pm

I laughed icon_laughing think of this way - you being NuRick allowed me to be the ~fierce goddess~ that I am today (boo Stephanie. BOO) and Hayden is a much better rep for you based on your app :)

Congratulations! :D
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